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At the moment we have only one Battlefield 4 Server but that will change soon. Take a look at our voting poll. Our server streams to PBbans.com and to GGC to fight against Cheaters. Also we have some CheatDetector plugins for Procon.

Im Moment haben wir nur einen Battlefield 4 Server, dies wird sich aber bald ändern. Schau dir unser laufendes Voting hierfür an. Unsere Server steamen zu PBbans.com und GGC um den Cheatern den Kampf anzusagen. Desweiteren haben wir auch ein paar CheatDetector plugins für Procon am laufen.

On the right side you see our Teampspeak 3 Server, where you see if a Member is online and which game he's playing at the moment. If you wann know more about the AdKats internal Hacker Checker click here and if you wanna know more about the CheatDetector click here.

Auf der rechten Seite siehst du unseren Teamspeak 3 Server, wo du sehen kannst ob ein Member gerade online ist und welches Spiel er gerade am zocken ist. Wenn du mehr über den AdKats internal Hacker Checker in erfahrung bringen möchtest klicke hier und wenn du mehr über den CheatDetector wissen möchtest klicke hier.

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      Who's Online

      We have 147 guests and no members online

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      Whats Hot:

      Walk to the light Premium
      Support WTTL and become a Premium WTTL Member. Reserved slot, Balancer whitelist, Votemap count and many more...Check it out!

      Playerstats on our Server
      Check out your Rank on our Battlefield 4 Server . We will reset the stats soon for a Contest. ;-)

      Server Commands: User
      Check out the server commands you can use as a normal and WTTL Premium User on our Servers.

      About WTTL:

      The [WTTL] Multi-Gaming Community was founded in mid 2013. [WTTL] was created for any gamer who not wants to play alone. [WTTL] want to give gamers for any game a place to talk about, to help each other and to play with each other. We also want to serve you some of the best gaming servers with custom scripts and plugins. The community strives off of member activity and the more that members are involved the more the comunity grows. We don't just stick to one game, we rather try to have as many games as possible associated with the community. - German